The Independence Cup eFootball Tournament, sponsored by Dhaka Elite Squad, continues to heat up with fierce competition among Dhaka’s top gaming teams. In an exciting single-player showdown, Muhammad Shopnil Hossain of Goal 4 Revenge delivered a commanding 7-3 victory against Aimanul Islam Sayem from Elegance United FC.
This match was part of the ongoing rivalry between the two clubs, especially after their previous encounter in this same tournament. Shopnil’s gameplay showcased excellent strategic precision and relentless attacking, setting the stage for Goal 4 Revenge to strengthen their standing in the competition.
The Independence Cup is one of the premier online eFootball tournaments in Dhaka, with teams vying for glory in intense head-to-head battles. Keep following for more updates, as the competition promises thrilling action and surprises!
#eFootballElite #DhakaGamingLeague #IndependenceCup #Goal4Revenge